About Me

About Me

Hi! I'm HM Zakaria Sumon. Welcome to my page. I'm a freelance Web Designer and MERN stack web developer. My job is to build your website so that it is functional and user-friendly. I have strong knowledge in MERN Stack with the best experience in building Web Applications, I use React.js or Next.js for client-side, Node.js/Express for server-side, and MongoDB, SQL Server for the database. Keeping in mind scalability and clean code that is maintainable and readable. I spend my time working on a freelance project and building my products. I am very interested in web design and development. It is my hobby and profession. So I complete my work by mixing the sweetness of mind with discipline and a sense of responsibility.


html 5cssjavaScriptReactjsgatsbynodejsstrapicontentfulfirebasemongodbNextjsphotoshopillustratormaterial uitailwind csstypescriptredux

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